can any body say the problem of div? ,its urgent please!

can any body say the problem of div? ,its urgent please!

am 24.09.2007 13:26:47 von chandoo

The problem is content of div is not hiding,so i wrote java script to
hide every div then it is not working
please help me


The Cuban Club :: New Year's Day 2008

Perth=D5s 2007 New Years Day alternative =D0 The Cuban Club at the Oyster
Bar on the Beach, North Fremantle.">

width=3D"75" height=3D"99" border=3D"0" alt=3D"logo">

Lloyd Events

t: 0401863120

e: michael [AT]

width=3D"923" height=3D"206" border=3D"0" alt=3D"">

cellspacing=3D"1" class=3D"tbcontent">

:: Order your
New Year ticket(s)
Personal Information
number of Tickets

First Name* class=3D"textbox">
your First name

characters not allowed

Last Name class=3D"textbox">
your address

Suburb* class=3D"textbox">

State* class=3D"textbox">

Post code* class=3D"textbox">
Enter postcode

numbers only

Home number class=3D"textbox">
Mobile number* class=3D"textbox">
MObile number

MObile number

Personal Email* class=3D"textbox">
Enter email address

Invalid email address

Work / Alternate Email class=3D"textbox">
Credit card Information
Credit Card Holder Name* class=3D"textbox">
style=3D"visibility:hidden">Enter Credit Card Holder Name

charcters not allowed

Credit Card Type*
style=3D"visibility:hidden">Select Credit Card Type

Credit Card Number* class=3D"textbox" maxlength=3D"16">
Credit Card Number

style=3D"visibility:hidden">Invalid Credit Card Number

Expiry Date (mm/yy)*


expire month

expire year



Re: can any body say the problem of div? ,its urgent please!

am 24.09.2007 15:25:02 von zeldorblat

On Sep 24, 7:26 am, chandoo wrote:
> The problem is content of div is not hiding,so i wrote java script to
> hide every div then it is not working
> please help me

So what does that have to do with PHP?

Re: can any body say the problem of div? ,its urgent please!

am 24.09.2007 15:28:06 von Steve

"chandoo" wrote in message .
The problem is content of div is not hiding,so i wrote java script to
hide every div then it is not working
please help me

you're kidding right? does this page have *anything* to do with php? you
need to look at either, or both, an html and/or javascript newsgroup for
answering your question.

i only scrolled down enough to see your credit card algorthm sux. think not?
run 4 followed by 15 ones. even if you were validating the check digit,
which you aren't, 4111111... would still pass that. credit card validation
is *well* documented. even if you fixed that mess, all i'd have to do to get
past your validation would be to turn off javascript. ;^)

learn to whom posts should be sent, and even more importantly, that no one
will look through your 'whole ball of wax'. just post what is pertainent or
reduce it to an analogy.

Re: can any body say the problem of div? ,its urgent please!

am 25.09.2007 01:13:55 von gordonb.gfiy3

>The problem is content of div is not hiding,so i wrote java script to
>hide every div then it is not working
>please help me

If you're doing credit card validation in Javascript, I hope you
are doing credit card validation on the server as well. Remember,
if you can do credit card validation in Javascript, someone else
can write javascript to generate random credit card numbers that
pass your check, and post them to YOUR page. Also, Javascript can
be Turned Off(tm).

The checks you are doing are good to catch most honest mistakes and
typos. They won't do well against a random card generator, which
will also know these rules.

If you expect the contents of "div" to hide because it's some kind of
secret, don't expect it to stay secret just because the browser doesn't
display it.